Sustaining our work to protect Saint Mary's Catholic identity

“We promise you discovery, the discovery of yourselves, the discovery of the universe and your place in it.”

Sr. Madeleva Wolff, CSC
3rd President of Saint Mary’s College
Your gift supports our mission to preserve the Catholic identity and all-women heritage of Saint Mary’s College. We believe our Catholic faith within higher education is a treasure worth safeguarding for current and future Belles. Our efforts are only possible because of faith-filled people like you, whose generosity boldly proclaims you feel the same way. We are grateful for your patronage and thank you for joining our endeavor. 
The Heritage Fund supports the administration and programming of the Trust. We have big plans but we need your help to accomplish them. Our current plans include organizing a get together for Reunion 2024 as well as a tailgate gathering in the Fall. We also plan to provide opportunities to deepen our faith and increase our understanding of Catholicism through group studies around the country.

Note: Sycamore Trust is receiving donations on our behalf while we organize.

OUR Other funds   Gifting Securities

Note: Checks should include a note designating them for "Loretto Trust," made out to Sycamore Trust, and mailed to 2028 E Ben White Blvd, STE 240 PMB 1842, Austin, TX 78741.

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